About Roba Metals

Ever since our foundation in 1937, we have shown that two worlds can come together in one company.

We do this by prospering commercially, while at the same time upholding a robust social policy. We aim for success by being honest and remaining modest. We are based in the Netherlands and do business worldwide. Metal is our business and people are at the heart of it.

We are passionate

At Roba Metals, everything is about our people. Loyal people, roll-up-your-sleeves people, long-time employees, dedicated ‘Roba-ists’; employed entrepreneurs, who enjoy the freedom they get, yet understand how to handle that responsibility. Driven and passionate, but without pretensions.

We control the supply chain

Roba Metals is more than one would think. We are active throughout the whole supply chain: from purchasing raw materials to smelting, and from sales to logistics. We produce processed materials of the highest quality. As a family-owned business, we are healthy financially and we aim to be a flexible partner that can offer diverse types of contracts types and first-rate stock management.

We anticipate

We are not pioneers of everything new and not yet proven to be successful. We step forward when things have become relevant; when we understand how it suits us and how it can bring us to the next level. Whether it is a new cut-to-length line, a digital platform, or an innovation in the field of sustainability; it is our tradition to always provide for growth and stability. We always look ahead. Together, with the next generation.

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